Grant provided by Merieux Foundation and Every Breath Counts, this project was conducted In OPD...
Community Health Assessment
Gender Inequality in Access to Physical rehabilitation services in Nepal
Though there have been initiatives aiming to achieve universal access to basic health care for...
Assess the satisfaction of Clients utilizing rehabilitation services in physical rehabilitation units in Nepal
In coordination LCDMS/EDCD, Supported and funded by Handicap International and USAID this project was conducted...
District level Journalist Interactions in 8 districts of Nepal
Project Summary:To familiarize with the series of the events happening in regards to LF within...
Pre-Transmission Assessment Survey (pre-TAS) in 4 districts of Nepal
Project Summary:To measure the progress of the LF elimination program, these districts were surveyed in...
LF MDA School Awareness Support program in 2 districts (Jhapa and Bara)
LF MDA School Awareness Support program in 2 districts (Jhapa and Bara) Project Summary:...
Morbidity mapping and disability prevention (MMDP) training of health workers, community health volunteers and patients using the enhanced self-care (ESC) protocol
Morbidity mapping and disability prevention (MMDP) training of health workers, community health volunteers and patients...
Follow-up study of positive cases of LF in 3 districts post success of TAS-II of Nepal
Project Summary:TAS is considered to be successful if the frequency of the RDT-positive cases is...
Transmission Assessment Survey (TAS-III) in 14 districts of Nepal
Project Summary: After the successful TAS II survey, TAS III survey was carried out after...
Transmission Assessment Survey (TAS-II) in 12 districts
Project Summary: The basis of the evaluation of the effectiveness of MDA is the TAS...
Pre-Transmission Assessment Survey (Pre TAS) in 10 districts of Nepal
Project Summary:The evaluation of the MDA for LF elimination can be done by TAS survey....
Microthermal dynamics of mosquito borne disease vector habitats in diverse ecological regions of Nepal
Microthermal dynamics of mosquito borne disease vector habitats in diverse ecological regions of Nepal Project...